Spoke with Erin yesterday. She has made good headway to the north of Deming. To leave town she (horse, mule, and dog) took an overpass over IH 10! No big deal. Set out across the desert (temperature in the 90s) on a jeep trail. Along the way a small rattlesnake made his presence known in the standard fashion. LeDeux stayed away; the dog has a lot of sense.
This is a picture of Erin, Rua, and Yoakum outside of Columbus. Credit goes to Kelvin E.Hargrove a professional photographer who took interest, stopped and took this picture.
developed very sore feet; he "lost his boots." Yesterday he managed quite well with impromptu boots made with socks, canvas and duct tape. This will have to do until those soles toughen up.Camped at a detention damn to the west of Massacre Peak (El. 5667); no water to detain but the local windmill provided plenty of water for the animals. There was 1 tree for shade. She met a husband and wife rancher couple who brought her a roast beef sandwich and provided company.
The country gets progressively more rugged. She will follow the Butterfield Stage Rt, turning north into the Gila National Forest and ride the border of the Aldo Leopold Wilderness. She will gain elevation and the temperature will be cooler. Should take 4 maybe 5 days to reach her next resupply point of Mimbres.
1 comment:
Hi Erin,
I was so glad to get the information about this blog so I can follow your progress. I know how much this trip means to you. Be careful and take care of yourself. As your Grandma, I can say this!!
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