Erin rode 23 miles continuing up the Middle Fork of the Gila and emerging from the wilderness at Snow Lake in the Gila National Forest. A beautiful place. Several humans camped around the lake. North of there she met 3 families camping together with kids. She stopped for a while and you guessed it, she got fed - ham and turkey sandwich, ice cream drumstick and a Margarita Cooler. They gave her Oryx Jerkey for the road. She continued on up forest service road 28 past the Negrito work center eventually camping about a mile south of Eckleberger Hill (elevation 8454 ft). She saw numerous Blue Grosbeaks today; a new bird for her. Surroundings are that of a Ponderosa parkland. Animals cooperating.
1 comment:
Howdy Erin!...
Hope this message finds you well!...We all enjoyed
your company in our camp
over the weekend...Your adventure really is amazing!...We all wish you the best of luck on completing your quest...
If you ever wander down to Albuquerque, you've certainly got a warm bed, and a hot meal a'waitin!...
Thanks for letting our kids enjoy your horse (and that darn mule)...That is something they will remember for a lifetime...
Take care Kid!...and many happy trails!
Trevor, Michelle, Blaine (The "Bells")
Dale, Barbie, Shelby, Hunter and Cody (The "Linafelters")
Ray and Chanda (more Linafelter family)
Jedi, Storm and Thunder (the wild dogs!)
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